Where have all the Rovers gone?
How can I join the good fight to get this wonderful show back on the air?
Where can I learn about groups like SORR, Rover Rescue, and others that have helped in the past and are helping in the present to bring the show back?
This is the place...
"The reason shows like "Road Rovers" die is because the people who run networks want an instant hit. The networks play it safe. When the ratings came back, Road Rovers did as well as Superman and sometimes better, but did this prove anything to them, no. We were cancelled without the benefit of a second season to gain a larger audience and now to make it worst they are going to actually start a new season with more new shows, and expect them to sweep the ratings without the benefit of having been on for a season!"- producer Bob Ducette
Save Our Road Rovers (SORR)- begun by Steven Today, this program had a lot of success. It was geared at sending letters to WB staff members. It was marked by 19 R-Days. To view R-Day results, click here.
Road Rover Rescue- still alive, this program, run by Kirk Adams, looks to keep the Rover spirit alive by appoiting "Rescue members" that serve purposes.
Rovers Under Fiendish Fire (R.U.F.F)- run by Eric Harms, it's goal is, I quote: "The R.U.F.F. is here to help fans voice their support for saving 'Road Rovers' from the clutches of cancellation."
Hunter, Colleen, Exile, Blitz, Shag, and Muzzle saved the world from total destruction. The least we can do is try to save them.
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