Rovers SV (The first show of a seven-part series not counted as a whole)

Audience: What?

Me: Ok, you know I didn't want to do this, but...

Audiene: What's SV?

Me: How come I knew you'd say that!! Ok, here we go. Rovers SV isn't Rovers Save Vblitz or Rovers Say Vwhat?, it's Rovers Summer Vacation. This series will be a portrayal of the Rovers trip throughout the continental U.S.

Audience: Cool! What's that thing in paranthesses mean?

Me: It means this. The Rovers SV series will be a seven part series not counted as a whole, meaning that it won't be Rovers SV Part 1, Rovers SV Part 2, etc., they'll be different tiltles each week! So here we go!!

Audience: All right!!


Jeff is super loyal, won't allow any crime (Jeff: No way!!)

Rango has some super ears, they work any time! (Rango: Heard that!)

The Jr. Rovers are a bunch that haven't hit their prime (Cody: That's us!!)

The Rovers fight the bad guys all the time!! (Hunter, Jeff, Colleen, Rango, Exile: We luv it!!)


The show begins with a picture of the RR HQ. Inside, Blitz is sitting down, talking to himself. "It's not fair!!" he says, "Nobody likes me." As he is saying this, Jeff is sneaking up behind him. As Jeff gets to Blitz, he says, "Booo!!" "Aaaaahhh!!" Blitz screams. Blitz then turns around and sees Jeff. "Chicken!!" Jeff told Blitz. "I wasn't scared!" Blitz replied, "I was just playing around." "Yeah, yeah, bye." Jeff says as he leaves Blitz. As Jeff leaves, the Master tells the Rovers over the intercom, "Rovers, please report to the briefing room." The Rovers and Jr. Rovers then head to the room, where the Master says, "Rovers, I've got some good news for you," the Master says, "You're going to have a Summer Vacation. You will travel throughout the U.S. fighting crime on your way." "Summer Vacation!!" Colleen replies, "Doesn't it make you all warm and bubbly inside?" "I think you've read too many Family Circus comics," Jeff replies. "Yeah, what's your point?" Colleen replied. The Master then continued, "You will begion your trip in the Northeastern United States and New England. Have fun!! See you in August!!" "Northeast, that's where I am from!!" Lucy said. "Cool!" "Were off," Hunter said, "Let's hit the Road, Rovers and Jr. Rovers!!" The Rovers and Jr. Rovers replied with an "Aaaarrrooo!!" and headed for the Northeast. As they entered their new plane (replacing the Sky Rovers), the largest plane, that is red and has a dog on top, Hunter says, "First order of business, first pitch at the Red Sox-Tigers baseball game." "Who's throwing it?" Colleen asked. "Me," Hunter replied. "That's not fair, I'm better qualified," Jeff replied. "Wrong," Hunter said, "I am the leader!!" "I'm better at baseball than you, though," Jeff replied. "Are you always this argumentative?" Hunter asked. "Yep, it's a super power," Jeff replied. A few seconds later, the Rovers were at historic Fenway Park. The Power Rover (the plane's name) then passed over it, and the Rovers came out, except for Exile, who had to park the plane. The loudspeaker then said, "Welcome Rovers to Fenway Park!!" Hunter then stepped up and threw a fast first pitch. "Ouch!!" the catcher said as he caught it. The Rovers then headed to their seats, in the outfield. There, they all had on Red Sox stuff and were waving Red Sox pennants, except for Cody and Lucy. "What's with you two?" Waboo asked, "This is Boston." "Yankee fans hate the Red Sox," Lucy replied. "The Tigers are my team," Cody said. "Oh," Waboo said. "I'm gonna go get some food," Hunter said. "I'm coming!!" Blitz shouted. Hunter and Blitz then headed to the concession stand, where Hunter told the person behind the counter, "We'd like 12 hot dogs, 6 popcorns, 12 packs of fries, 11 Barq's root beers, and Blitz, want a Barq's?" "What?" Blitz replied. "Do you want a Barq's?" Hunter asked again. "I already can bark," Blitz replied. "No, the root beer, Barq's," Hunter replied. "A root beer that barks!!" Blitz said excitedly, "Hook me up with one." "And he thinks he's smarter than me," Hunter said. Hunter then turned to the person behind the counter and said, "12 root beers." The show then headed to the Grand Hotel of Boston, where the Rovers were talking in the lobby. "What's that?" Lizzie asked Waboo. "It's this little thing I bought," Waboo replied, pointing to a small contraption hooked around her finger. "You feed it, give it medicine, and flush the toilet when it poops," Waboo continued. "Nice," Lizzie replied sarcastically. "Ok, Rovers," Hunter said. "Jr. Rovers lights out is 11:30, Rovers lights out is 1 AM." Cody then said, "That's not fair!!" "I'll take care of this," Jeff said. "Is it fair that Wink won't let us in the Kids' WB chat room because we're too old?" Jeff asked. "Yes," Cody replied, "It's a rule." "Then this is a rule," Jeff replied, "And it's 11:30, so get to bed, kids." "Fine, I give up," Cody said. "Your good at that, Jeffy," Colleen said. "Thanks Colleen," Jeff replied, "But don't call me Jeffy." The show then headed to Jeff and Rango's room, where they were watching The David Letterman Show, featuring Hunter. "It just isn't fair," Jeff said, "Hunter gets to be the leader, gets to be on all the shows, and gets Colleen, too." "What, you like her?" Rango asked. "Uhhhhh," Jeff replied. "It's okay, I won't rag you about it, mate," Rango said. "Cool," Jeff replied. All of a sudden, someone knocked on their door. "Who could that be?" Jeff asked. "I'll check it," Rango replied. Then, as he opened the door, Waboo jumped at him looking very mad.

----------First Commercial Break-------------

The show returns with Waboo still on top of Rango, scratching and biting him. "Waboo, you're hurting my friend, so look out!!" Jeff said as he ran at Waboo. Jeff then kicked Waboo off Rango and began fighting her. However, Wabo's strength was too much for him, and he fell to the ground. Then, Waboo ran off. "Why'd she do that?" Jeff asked. "I have no idea," Rango said. "Probally just a joke or something." The next morning, the Rovers woke up to find that Waboo was gone. "Lizzie, you room with Waboo," Hunter said, "Did you notice her leaving during the night?" "No, I didn't," Lizzie replied. Then Jeff and Rango entered. Hearing the conversation, Jeff said, "Waboo attacked us mid-way through the night." "No way!!" Cody said. "Yes, she did," Rango replied. "Why?" Hunter asked. "We don't know," they both replied. As they said this, Rango picked up a signal from Waboo's voice. "I hear Waboo!!" he shouted. "What's she saying?" Exile asked. "She just said, Oh great Master Quang," Rango replied. "Quang?" Exile said, "Not another bad guy!!" "Seems so, mate," Rango replied. "What's this Quang guy saying?" Colleen asked. "He just said welcome to New York, my slaves. I used that green contraption to control your brains. Now you are mine!!!" "Wow," Lizzie replied, "So that's where she went!!" "We've gotta save Waboo!!" Cody said. "You're right!!" Hunter said. "We're off to New York!!!" The Rovers then boarded the Power Rover and took off for New York City. As they arrived, Lucy said, "It's good to be home!" "Great feeling, isn't it?" Hunter asked. "Sure is," Lucy replied. Exile then asked Rango, "Where exactly is Waboo? After all, this is the largest city in the United States." "She's in Manhattan," Rango replied. The Rovers then boarded the Land Rover and headed for Manhattan. The Rovers then stopped outside of a workhouse, where Rango said, "She's here." Then, Rango heard something new from Quang, "This is a curse that can be broken in only one way. And there are only two people who know this, me and the Great Wise Dog, Confusis." At this time the Rovers were about to enter the building, until Rango stopped them. "We can do nothing here unless we find out the cure for this curse from Confusis. I heard that from Quang." "Ok," Hunter said, "Me, Exile, Shag, Lizzie, Jeff, and Max will head there, and all you others stay here. We'll be back in about 2 hours." "See you, Hunty and Jeffy!!" Colleen said. "Bye!!" Hunter and Jeff said. The Rovers then headed off to Confusis's home. When they arrived, Hunter said, "Confusis, once again we seek your wisdom." "What'd you bring this time?" Confusis asked. "We brought cocktail weenies and some fries," Exile replied. "Thanks!!" Confusis said as he scarfed down the food. "What do you need this time?" he asked. "Our friend, Waboo, is under the curse of Quang. How can we break it?" Lizzie asked. "Curse of Quang, curse of Quang, oh yeah, this it!" Confusis then sang this:

For the cure of the curse of Quang,

Take water from the River Mang,

Add peanut butter from a jur,

And you'll have the perfect cure!!

But if you fail by the dawn of day

Forever under the curse, she will stay!!

Hunter then said, "Thanks Confusis!! We're off to the River Mang!!"

---------Second Commercial Break------------

The show returns with the six Rovers on the Power Rover. Hunter then asks, "Shag, do you have any peanut butter?" Shag nodded and handed Hunter a jar. "Thanks!!" Hunter replied. Hunter then poured some peanut butter on a tennis ball. The Power Rover was just then arriving at the River Mang in China. "Exile, Jeff, go get some of the water," Hunter said as he handed them a beaker. Jeff and Exile then exited the ship and filled it up. "Here you go, comerade Hunter," Exile said as he handed Hunter the filled beaker. "We're off to Manhattan New York City!!" A few seconds later, the plane lands in New York, where the sun is just about to rise. "Let's hurry!!" Hunter shouted. The Rovers then busted down the door and entered the place. As they entered, Quang saw them. "Nooooo!!" he shouted. "Waboo, attack!!" As Waboo jumped at Hunter, he quicly poured the water on the ball and threw it at Waboo. She caught it and the curse broke off. Also, the litle contraption exploded. This caused the other 100 people there to lose the curse, and for the contraption to explode. "No!!!!" Quang shouted again as he began to run. "He won't get away," Exile said as he froze Quang in his tracks. The Rovers then took off with Quang to Boston, where they put on a trial. At the trial, the judge said, "Quang, you have been found guilty of treason against the United States. You are sentenced to life in jail without parole. When the Rovers heard this, Hunter said, "To the power of the pack," which was followed by an "Aaaarrroo!!" from all the Rovers.

-------------Third Commercial Break---------------------

The show returns with the Rovers on the Power Rover. Hunter then said, "Well, that was fun." Colleen replied, "Yea, I guess New York and Boston were pretty nice." Blitz then walked up to Hunter and asked, "When do I get the barking root beer?" "You already got it at Fenway," Hunter replied. "I got root beer, but it didn't bark," Blitz said. "There is no such thing as barking root beer. The company that made the root beer is Barq's, spelled B-a-r-q-s, with an apostrophe over the s. " Blitz seemed mad, and started to say a cuss word but Jeff stopped him. "Now, Blitz," Jeff said, "Cussing gives me a feeling like the feeling you get when you get beat up by a cat." "You already have been, so you should know," Blitz replied. "And you haven't?" Jeff asked. "Ok, guys, that's enough!!" Hunter said. "We're headed to the southeast!!!" "Cool!!" Lizzie replied as the show concluded.


Quote of the Day: Hunter-"The root beer, Barq's." Blitz-"A root beer that barks? Hook me up with one!!"

Next Week the Rovers travel through the states from Maryland to South Carolina. Here, the Rovers discover the secret past of the Road Rovers. In this, they discover that their fathers were Rovers, until Parvo killed their Master and forced them to become cano-mutants. The Rovers run into their fathers on a trip to Kitty Hawk, and try to get them to come back. However, their fathers have forgotten their past and their sons and daughters, so the Rovers have to fight their fathers to the death, or try and get them to remember their past. Will they be successful? Find out next week in the Summer Vacation series continues!!!

A William Cooper Production