Story #26- Family Reunion!

:Roll Theme Song:
(Just a Note. This story is a continuation of the past one. To read the past one, please visit
Orange Cola: The Story to check it out. Now, the 26th story, Family Reunion!)

As we zoom into the broken down warehouse, we see the Rovers (in this case, Hunter, Exile, Spirit, Julia, Muzzle, all of the Junior Rovers, and Pac, the ocean Rover leader *pronounced pack*) finding their way through the building slowly but surely. Inside the building, we see run down washing machines and dust everywhere, leaving us the impression of a building that has been uninhabited for years on end. We then see holes in the floor of the house, and Hunter assumes, "I guess they're rennovating." "But why would Lart put their headquarters in a house undergoing renovation?" Lizzie asks. "Secret hideout," Hunter replies. "Ah," Lizzie says. "I think we should splitskuruski comerades," Exile says, "That way we can bust the baddest guys easy as cake. Frosted cake even!" "An Exile special, Ways to toy with the English language until it makes absolutely no sense at all!" Hunter exclaims. "Maybe I should have read my dictionary more closely," Exile replies. "Allright," Hunter says, trying to get back on topic, as the Rovers reach a place with stairways to either side of them, "Junior Rovers, go left. Road Rovers, follow me." The two groups do so, as they are on the track of the Orange Cola. We then hop back to headquarters, where we see the other Rovers sitting around the picnic tables with nothing at all to do. "Well," an Ocean Rover says, "We could play frisbee or something." "Too childish," Mercury replies. "Then what?" the Rover asks again. Saturn then opens up a compartment under the sink, and all of a sudden, a ton of papers come falling out of it. Because of pure curiousity, Saturn picks up the papers and reads them. She then finds records of dogs that look very similar to Road Rovers and Junior Rovers, but different. She then discovers a folder that they all came out of when she opened the compartment, that reads "Family Hunts." Instantly, Saturn knows what Hunter was doing before he left. She then motions to the other Rovers, who all come over and take a peek at some of the sheets of information on Road!
Rover parents. "Wow!" Jupiter says. "This is amazing!" a female Ocean Rover says, "How in the world did he come up with all this information on their parents?" "I sure wish my parents could see me now," an Ocean Rover adds, "They both thought that I'd grow up into a world of Seinfeld, or of nothingness. It's a show about nothing, it's a life about nothing that you're about to lead. That's what they always told me." "I'm sure we can help you out," Mercury replies, "But for the life of me, can you tell us your names?" "Sure," an Ocean Rover female says. "Pac, our leader, a labrador retriever, is tripping with the Rovers..." "Tripping?" Mercury asks, "What's their problem?" "No," she says, chuckling, "He's on the mission with the Rovers. Then, we have myself, an Irish setter, named Laura, that handsome-looking fellow over there, a beagle named Buckster, and a Pembroke Welsh Corgi named Clark." "Only 4 of you guys?" Jupiter asks. "Yes," Clark replies, "Just 4. But that's all we really need. There isn't too much to look into in the ocean. Just basically maintaining peace and making sure illegal waste dumps or anything aren't taking place. Above the water there are many more problems than below it. Besides, it can get very lonely down there." "I would imagine so," Mercury says. "But we won't bother you with the details," Laura says. Meanwhile, Saturn continues to study the information on the Road Rovers' parents. "This all is very interesting," Saturn says. "Does it say anywhere to find them?" Clark asks. Buckster then stops the party, "Now hold on one second. This could take a very long time, a couple sleepless nights, little food, what are we doing this for again?" "As a thank you," Clark replies. "For what?" Buckster asks. "For inviting us up here to spend a few days with them," Laura adds, "It was very nice of them. We should pay them back somehow." Saturn then comes up with the locations, reading from what Hunter wrote down: "As far as I can tell, the following Rover parents are located in the following ar!
Myself (referring to Hunter):
Mother: Somewhere in Montana
Father: Un-Sure
Mother & Father: Sled Team in Siberia
Mother: Bern, Switzerland
Father: Unknown
Mother & Father: Orlando, Florida
Mother & Father: Cleveland, Ohio
Mother & Father: Cleveland, Ohio
Mother & Father: St. Cloud, Florida
Mother & Father: Very Local
Mother & Father: New York City (Manhattan), New York
Max & Lizzie:
Mother & Father: Matthews, North Carolina
Mother & Father: San Bernandino, California
Mother & Father: Fort Lauderdale, Florida."
"You may have had to have bought 30 yachts to fly to all those places," Clark says, referring to those flight discounts you can get with Visa and maybe other cards (I only know Visa since that's my parent's choice card =) ). "In that case, we're doomed!" Mercury says. "But what about our vehicles?" Saturn asks. "They're locked up," Mercury replies, "The Rovers took the keys with them." Then, in come two Road Rovers, Xander and Shag. "Hey guys, we were just hanging out at RoverLand. Did we miss anything?" Xander asks. The other Rovers then hang their heads, as they had easily forgotten about the two Road Rovers still at home. Xander then sees the folder in Saturn's hands. "Whacha got there?" Xander asks, as he takes a Barq's out of the fridge to whet his thirst. "Just some confidental stuff from our last mission," Saturn replies. "Cool," Xander says, "What exactly?" "Can't tell you," Saturn says, "That's why it's confidental." "Ah, ok," Xander says, feeling left out. As he starts to leave, Buckster stops him. "Hold up," Buck says, "Got the keys to the vehicle area?" "Sure do," Xander says, "But where are you going?" "We just thought we'd pick up dinner," Laura replies. "Cool, can I tag along?" Xander asks. The Rovers then stand there for a moment, not sure of how to reply, until Xander finally says, bitterly, "Fine! But don't expect me to do anything for you anytime soon!" He and Shag then walk off angrily, and they both slam their doors shut. As they do, a pair of keys land right at Saturn's feet. "Well, that didn't go very well," Saturn says, "We're doing something for them, and we made them mad!" "Not a good thing," Clark adds. Saturn then goes to the door to the vehicle area, opens, and the Rovers then follow her to the planes. We then head back to Seattle and the old warehouse, where the Rovers are still searching for the cola and the people behind this. "You know, it wouldn't suprise me at all if Parvo were behind this," Hunter says. "Who?" Exile asks, sarcasticaly. We then see the Junior Rovers going!
down the stairs the other way. When they reach the bottom, they see catwalks above them, and a beautiful looking dome, definetly seperating itself from the rest of the building, which is very run down. "This might be it!" Cody says. "This is it!" Wyboo says, "Unless it's some kind of trap or something." "Dumbie!!" Wyboo exclaims, "You'll jinx it!" As the two are arguing, Maxine looks up, shocked, and exclaims, "Look out!" The Rovers then look up, and see a net falling towards them. The Rovers then jump out of the way of the net, except for Lizzie, who winds up under the net. "Get me out of here!" Lizzie shouts, "I feel like Spiderman's villain!" The Rovers then looked shocked, but Lizzie does not why. "You watched a show about another super hero?" Cody asks. "Um....yeah," Lizzie replies. "Traitor!" Maxine shouts. "You don't want to be a Junior Rover, huh?" "No, I'm like Exile," Lizzie says, "I love being Road Rover!" "But you're not a Road Rover anyway," Lucy says. "I can't believe it," Cody says, crying on Max's shoulder, "Lizzie's leaving us for another super hero!" "No, it's not like that!" Lizzie screams, "I want to be a Rover!! I'm not ditching you!! And I'm not hanging out with some stupid web slinging dorkus super hero!!" The Rovers then start laughing at Lizzie. "We were just joshing ya," Cody says, "You can watch whatever you want." They then lift the net off of her, and Lizzie says, "Well, of course, I knew it was a joke. I was just playing along." "Sure," Cody says, "Now, where did this net come from, and who's sick mind tossed this at us?" The Rovers then look up, hearing a knock against one of the catwalks. They then look up, to see a guy with an anvil tied to a string that is hanging right above their heads. "Hello," he says, as he lets go of the string. "I feel like Wile E. Coyote!" Lizzie says. The Junior Rovers then dive quickly away from the anvil in both directions, avoiding it. "Rats," the guy says, running through a door at the end of the catwalk. The Junior Rovers, surviving 2 danger!
s, then look around, still not sure what to do. "Well," Cody says, "Now we know how to bust them." "How?" Lizzie asks. "Get up to that catwalk," Cody says, pointing. "But none of us has any jumping powers or anything." Then, the Road Rovers enter, and Hunter greets them with, "Hey. What happened to you guys?" "We've found the guys behind this," Cody says, "They threw an anvil at us and a net too." "Those guys have watch too many looney tunes," Hunter says. "I guess you could say they went looney tunes!" Wyboo says, laughing. The other Rovers don't laugh, so Wyboo says, "You talk about your tough crowd. Well, what we have to do to shut down this factory is to get up on that catwalk," she says, pointing, "But if I recall, none of us has and jumping powers or anything similar to that." "That would be right," Hunter says, "So, unless any of you have Mexican Jumping Beans around, we need an alternative plan." Lizzie then hits a button on her CD player, pulls out the earphones, and starts playing alternative music. Ass the Junior Rovers shake their heads to the music, Hunter and the Road Rovers cover their ears. "Modern day music!!!!" Hunter shouts. "The horror!" Exile adds. Hunter then shouts over the music, "Not alternative music, alternative plan!! As in another!!!" "What?" Wyboo asks. "We can't hear you," Lucy adds. Exile, with his fur blowing in every which direction because of the modern day music, makes his way to the CD player, and shuts it off. "Hey!" Cody says, "We were just having fun!" "Now, back to the point," Hunter adds, "We need a different plan." Max then takes a quick peek at the net, and then raises his hand. "Yes, Max?" Pac asks. "Um, Mr. Hunter, I was thinking, that if we put a Rover in this net, and sorta tossed it up to that catwalk, then we could, maybe, track them down?" "That's a pretty good idea," Lucy says, "But why do we even need a net?" "In case someone, might, see the Rover fly up," Max replies. "Good idea," Hunter says, "So, we obviously need the lightest Rover to head up there."!
Everyone then looks at Maxine. "Aw, rats!" Maxine says. Maxine then walks over to the net, and hops on it. "Roll her up!" Lucy says. The Rovers then roll Maxine up into the net, until all we see is the net. "Now, the strongest Rovers should toss her up," Hunter instructs. "Where's Jeffy when ya need him?" Lizzie asks. Exile, Wyboo, and Hunter then step forward, being the strongest Rovers (minus Shag, who's back at home). The three then lift Maxine, and right as they are about to toss her, we head back to headquarters, where we see the newest Rover plane, the Rescue Plane, a plane in the shape of a dog and painted as a dalmation. We then go inside, and see the Ocean Rovers and Sea Rovers inside headed to track down the lost Rover parents. "So, where we going first?" Clark asks the head hancho, who, in this case, is Saturn. "Why don't we go to Cleveland first," Saturn says, "The parents of Spirit and Buddy live there. But what's with Cody's parents? Very local. Weird huh?" "Very," Buckster says, "Maybe they're related or something." "Related Rovers?" Saturn asks, suprised at the question. "Mars and Jeff," Mercury replies, proving Buckster correct in 3 words. "That's true," Saturn replies, "But at least they were the same breed. We have a mutt, a golden retriever, and a...golden retriever too." "See," Mercury adds, "Cody could be Spirit and Buddy's son. Maybe that's what very local means, since both of them are Road Rovers. He just has traits mainly from Buddy's side." "And he has mainly traits Spirit has too," Saturn says, "He's a little more agressive, but he's always friendly and very acceptive. So they could be related after all." We then see the plane flying past the Cleveland skyline, as they begin to think of anything to help them find the lost Rovers. "Can't you guys see?" Buckster asks, "This is hopeless!" He then angrily opens a drawer and pulls out a phone book, "Why don't you call 4-1-1. Maybe they list dogs now!" But, as he shakes the phone book, a sheet of paper comes out of it, like a computer!
sheet of paper. As it falls to the ground, Buckster picks it up, and reads. "Cody wrote this," he says, "This must have been his phone book before they put it in the new plane." Saturn takes the sheet right out of his hands, and begins reading. She then looks up, and smiles. "They're related allright," she says, "This is a copy of an e-mail he sent to his owner, telling him how he is." "So they know about him," Buckster says. "Maybe," Saturn says, "Maybe not. This isn't a reply letter. This is the first letter sent between owner and pet by Cody and his old owner." "Probally the first letter sent between pet and owner anywhere!" Laura exclaims. Saturn then continues, "So their account could have been deleted long ago. Shake the book again Buckster." Buckster then shakes the book again, and no papers come out. "She might be right," Buckster replies. "Any name on the sheet?" Clark asks, studying the phone book over Buckster's shoulder. "Yes, the Grado family," Saturn replies. Buckster then turns and turns, until he reaches Grado. There is only one family listed, to their happiness. "Samuel and Penny Grado," Clark says, "1001 Penbrooke Drive." Mercury, the pilot, then studies a map of Cleveland, and finds Penbrooke Drive, located in north Cleveland, right near Lake Erie. "We'll be there in a flash," Mercury says, as the plane heads in the direction of Penbrooke Drive. Suddenly, we see an elderly couple out on a porch drinking limonade. They then drop their limonades, as the Rescue plane lands in their backyard. As they watch it fall, they notice the Rover insignia. "These aren't bad guys," the man says, as the plane lands. The Rovers then exit, and Mercury says, "Sorry for the mess." Spirit then walks up to them, pulls out a picture of Cody, and in a mysterious voice says, "Do you remember this dog?" "Cody!" they both explain. The lady then starts crying, and she asks, "Is my baby allright?" "Yes, he's fine," Clark says, "How did you get Cody?" "Cody was one of three dogs we had," the lady says. "Were the oth!
ers named Spirit and Buddy by chance?" Buckster asks. "Why yes," the man adds, "Spirit was our own. But we discovered Buddy off the streets one day. And then, one day, Buddy disappeared. It was horrible. But, we know it wasn't his decision to leave. He wouldn't have left when Spirit was pregnant with Cody. He was kidnapped." "And what happened to Cody?" Mercury asks. "Same thing," the man says, "We were at a pet show one day, and while we were showing off Spirit for the competiton, he was stolen right out of his cage. We've had the worst luck with our pets." "Except for ol' Sunny and Bandit. They've lived a long, long live. Happy to still have them around." "Are they related to Spirit or Buddy or Cody?" Saturn asks. "Why yes," the man replies, "They're Spirit's parents!! We never met Buddy's mummy and daddy. We think he may have been born a stray." "Would you mind coming along with us?" Saturn asks. "Why no," the lady asks, "As long as you have some good limonade on board." "Sure do," Saturn says, "Homemade." "Scrumpscious!" the lady says, smacking her lips. "And we need your dogs to come along too," Buckster says, "To make this a true family reunion." "Family Reunion," Saturn says, "What an appropriate name!" The lady then whistles, and Sunny (border collie) and Bandit (mutt) enter the plane with them at the back of the plane. We then head back to the front, where Mercury isn't sure of what to do. "I mean, should we just leave without finding Buddy's parents?" he asks. "We could always try," Saturn says, "But we have as much info about his parents as we have about the Lion King sequel." "Even less," Mercury adds, "At least we saw a preview about that." "Good point," Saturn says. "So, what should I do?" Mercury asks. "We'll go back to headquarters later and see if we can get any information on his parents," Saturn says, "That's our only choice, unless anyone else has a better idea." The Rovers then all shake their heads "No." "Then we're off," Mercury says, "But to where now? We still have tons of places t!
o go. Oh, the places we'll go! Oh, all the faces we'll see!" "Yeah, hopefully they won't be ugly," Clark says, "I'm just, well, a little, single. Maybe Julia has a sister or something." The Rovers then chuckle, as Clark blushes. He then says, "Hey, she looks good!" "Then why don't you ask her out?" Saturn asks. "Wel, I mean..." Clark says, embarrassed and confused. "You think she'll say no, don't ya?" Laura asks. Clark, highly embarrassed now, says, "Yeah." "I tell you what," Saturn says, 'When we meet Julia, and hopefully come back with her parents, we'll let you say that you tracked them down for her. Then she'll like you." "But I'm not suprised that he thinks she'll say no!" Buckster says, laughing out loud. Clark then walks back to the back, more embarrassed than he's ever been, but he gives a little nod to Saturn, happy about her idea. Meanwhile, Mercury finally decides where to go, "Put on your mouse ears and quack like Donald. We're headed to Orlando!" As he says this, Buckster, to be smart (not as in intellegent but as in smart-aleck) puts on a pair of Mickey Mouse ears and starts to quack like Donald. Laura then knocks off his ears, and tells him, "Stop trying to show off for them." Buckster then blushes, very embarrassed, and follows Clark to the back of the plane. "Geez, it's like trying to get someone to watch Waynehead up here," Saturn says, "You can't stay there and watch it!! You have to get up and go somewhere to save your sanity!!" "You could say the same about listening to modern day music," Mercury says, "Yeesh. Those singers have the brains of a newborn giraffe." "Reminds me of that Buckster fellow," Saturn says. "Naw, Buckster's smart," Laura says, "But he's mostly a smart-aleck. Still, Pac always keeps him and Clark straight. Pac's a great leader." Hearing her say Pac's name lovingly, they realize that she has a crush on him. "Geez, what is this? Dates 'R Us?" Mercury asks. "Well, what do you mean?" Laura asks, startled. They then gaze at her, knowing her secret.
The Reunion Continues...