Another Hair of the Dog That Bit You-An RdRvrExile Story

********SHOW6-Another Hair of the Dog That Bit You*******

The show begins with a picture of the Sydney coastline. Walking by it are a man and a wife. "Beautiful night, isn't it honey?" the man asks his wife. "Sure is," she replies. Then three dogs come up to them. "Good doogies," the Man says. However, the dogs don't return the nice greeting. Instead, they bite the man and woman. Then the show turns to downtown Sydney, where a US visitor is taking pictures of the Sydney Opera House. "Mighty beautiful, I say," he says. Then five dogs just like the ones the man and woman saw got in his way. "Move it dogs!!" he yelled. As he said this, the dogs ran up to him and bit him. The show then shows the same dogs, except in a total of 6, running through the streets of Sydney. However, they are stopped in their tracks by the Road Rovers and the Jr. Rovers. "Stop right there," Hunter says. The eleven Rovers, Muzzle, and William then exit the Rover car and begin fighting the dogs. Before the fighting begins, Colleen says, "These dogs look familiar." "I know," Hunter replied. The dogs then attacked Hunter, but he moved away in time. Then another dog went for Colleen, but she stopped him with her karate powers. During this, another dog went for Max, but his friendly sister (oh, I didn't tell you! Max and Lizzie were brothers and sisters seperated at birth) came in the way. As she said, she released a ray from her eyes that hit the dog. As it did, the dog turned into a pie!!! "Pie anyone?" Lizzie asked. "Wow Lizzie," Max said, "I never knew you could do that!" "Neither did I," Lizzie replied. During this, another dog attacked and knocked Max down. William then ran up and knocked the dog off. The dog, however, counter-attacked and knocked him down. The dog managed to give William a scratch before Cody came up, and threw the dog away like a football. "Touchdown!" he said. Then the last two dogs headed towards Exile and Rango. "I'll give dogs big freeze!" Exile said. He managed to freeze one of the dogs, but the other one knocked him down before he could freeze it. As he did, the dog scratched his shirt in three places before Rango picked up the dog and slammed him down. The dog got back on top of Rango then, and bit him. As this happened, the dogs ram away. "Wel, at least their gone," Waboo said. "Yep," Hunter replied, "Let's go home!" As the Rovers arrived, the Master greeted them by saying, "Welcome back, Rovers!" "Good to be back!" Lucy said. As Lucy said this, the Master recognized William, Exile, Rango, and Max, who all had scratches from the dogs. "You four don't look so good," the Master said, pointing to them. "Yea," William replied, "I think we got the worst of it." "Hold on," Colleen said. As she said this, she went over to Rango. "What's this?" she asked. "Oh no," Exile said. "That's a piece of hair from the dogs we were fighting." "You don't think...?" Hunter asked. "I don't know," the Master said, "We'll just have to see." "What?" William, Rango, and Max asked in unison. "Von't vorry vout vit," Blitz said. The show then shows Rango and Cody playing a one-on-one basketball game. As they are, they hear a noise. "What's that?" Cody asked. Hunter, recognizing the sound, said, "You don't wonna know." Seconds later, two werewolves headed towards the two dogs.

---------------First Commercial Break-----------------------

The show returns with Hunter and Cody speeding down the halls. Blitz hears this sound and comes out in the hall. "Vwhat's vup?" he asks Hunter. "Go back in your room," Hunter said, "Two werevolves are here." "Voh vno!" he says. Before Blitz can get back in his room, the werewolves attack him. Luckily for Blitz, he closes his door right in the werewolves face. The werewolves then take off to somewhere in the HQ. During this, Hunter and Cody run into the Master's room. "Master," Hunter says, "Two werewolves are in here!!" "Oh no," the Master says. "Those suspicions were true!!" The Master, Hunter, and Cody then head down the hall, where they spot Exile's and Max's room (the Rovers share rooms with the Jr. Rovers like this, Cody-Hunter, Lucy-Colleen, Max-Exile, William-Rango, Lizzie-Shag, Waboo-Blitz). The room is messed up, with a lot of werewolf marks. As they enter, Max and Exile grumpily wake up. "Quit bothering us," Max said. "Go away," Exile said. Then, all twelve Rovers (from now on, William is officially counted as a Rover) gather in the room. "What's going on?" Waboo asks. "We say two werewolves running through here," Cody says. "Well, their gone," Max says, "So go back to bed!!" As Max shuts the door, he sees the claw marks on the door and on the wall. "Exile?" Max says. "What, comerade Max?" Exile replies. "Did anything ever happen with you and werewolves?" Max asks. "Yes, why?" Exile replies. After he says this, Max points to the claw marks. "No!!" Exile says. "It can't be us, can it?" The next morning, the Rovers are gathered at their breakfast table. "I am very concerned about this incident," Hunter says. "Same here, mate," Rango replied. The Rovers then realize Max and Exile have left. "Where did they go?" Colleeen asked. "Let's check their room," Hunter says. As they try to enter their room, they realize the door is locked. "Max? Exile?" Lizzie asked. "Go away," Exile said. "C'mon, let us in, pal," Hunter says. Finally, Max lets them in. "What's the matter, Exile?" Rango asked. "I don't want to hurt you," Exile said. "Neither do I," Max said. Then Hunter remembers what happened during the first werewolf incident. "Remember last time," Hunter said, "We thought it was you, but it wasn't. Maybe that's true again." "Maybe," Exile said, "But I doubt it." "Well, we have to save the other people from their werewolf curse," Hunter says. "I still have some water from that swamp, so we've got what we need stop the curse. So, let's go! Exile and Max, you come with me, Shag, Waboo, and Lizzie and the other 6 of you take the other plane. Let's hit the road, Rovers!!!" The Rovers then head to Australia. On the plane, Exile and Max are attached to some chains to make sure they don't harm anybody. As the full moon rises, Lizzie asks Max and Exile, "Feel weird?" "Actually, no," Max said. "Neither do I," Exile said. "Good news," Hunter tells the other plane, "Exile and Max aren't werewolves!" "I've got bad news," Colleen says, "William and Rango are." The show then shows the two changing in to werewolves. "Yet another unexpected twist!" Lizzie says. "Bummer!" Waboo says.

--------Second Commercial Break------------------------------

The show returns with Hunter talking to Colleen. "Just hold on," Hunter says. "We're nearing Australia." The show then goes into the plane with Colleen where Rango and William, in their werewolf form, are attacking Blitz. "Volleen, vhelp," he says. As Colleen hears this, she jumps up and karate kicks William away. However, Rango manages to pull Colleen down, but as Rango is about to bite her, Lucy comes up and karate kicks Rango away. The planes are now flying right over Australia, where the werewolves are gathered. As the two planes land, the Rovers quickly exit their planes. "Hurry Hunty!" Colleen says, "Get those tennis balls ready!" As Hunter threw the balls at Rango and William, nothing happened. "What?!?!" Hunter yelled. "Maybe it's the water," Max said. "Maybe you need different water for an Australian spread werewolf attack." "What then?" Hunter asks. "I've studied many cures for such things," Max said. "I think you need water from the Great Barrier Reef." "I'm off then," Hunter says. "Max, come with me. The others of you stay here." The other Rovers then begin their attempts to stop the werewolves. "Vlet vhe vusshie viting vegin!!!" Blitz yells. Blitz then runs to a werewolf and bites it's tail. During this, an angry werewolf sneaks up behind Blitz. As it was about to bite, Exile fired a chilling-ray at that werewolf which froze it. "You owe me one, Blitz," Exile said. The show then went to the Great Barrier Reef, where Hunter was filling a jar with water. "We better get back quick," Hunter said, "If we don't make it back my daytime, Rango and William are werewolves forever." As soon as the jar was filled, Max and Hunter ran off to the place where the Rovers and werevolves were. Back there, the Rovers were still holding off the 8 werewolves. "I sure hope Hunter and Max make it back soon," Colleen said. "Me too," Lizzie said. As they said this, Hunter and Max landed there. As they exited the plane, Hunter poured the water on the tennis balls. Just at that point, William attacked him. As William jumped at Hunter, Hunter tossed the ball right in his mouth. This turned William back into his normal self. As he realized a tennis ball was in his mouth, he said, "Oooohh, sick!!!!" The ball then bounced over to Rango and hit him on the shoulder. That turned him back into a Road Rover. While this was happening, Hunter fired six tennis balls at the other six werewolves. The six then turned into their normal forms. "Our job is done here!" Hunter says. "Let's go home." The twelve Rovers and Muzzle then head home where the Master once again greets them, "Welcome back, Rovers!! It's good to have William and Rango back in their normal forms." "Sure is," William said. "It felt wierd being a dog!" "Being a dog isn't that bad!" Max said. "Especially if you're a Road Rover," Exile said. "That's true," Hunter said. The twelve then ended the mission by saying, "To the power of the pack, Aaaarrrrooo!!!" THE END