WHO: Ok, we've discussed 4 Road Rovers where everything worked out.  They became crime fighting heroes who could do it all, talk, walk, dance, sing, etc.  Well, things didn't work out so well for Shag.  He never got the classic RR uniform and never got the ability to talk.  So, as things go, he is probably the people's favorite Road Rover.  Shag loves to have a good time, eats a lot, and is not afraid to complain.  And he's always neutral in any fight (he's from Switzerland).

WHERE DOES HE RESIDE: With the Swiss president.  Things usually aren't too busy up there, so Shag gets his share of sleep.

BEST TALENT: Strength.  By far the strongest of the Rovers, Shag could probably bench 10 times his weight...if he was skinny.  They say that super heroes are supposed to leap over the bounds and obstacles on their way.  Well Shag may not be a ble to jump, but he certainly can lift these obstacles out of the way.  But I did say the dude wasn't skinny, and it shows.  Shag goes on eating binges often to fulfill his extremely large appetite.

WHAT BREED?: Shag is an Old English Sheepdog.  He has the air and belly to prove it, if you didn't believe him.  But I wouldn't get on his bad side if I were you.

ET TU, COLLEEN?: Colleen often serves as Shag's personal translator.  Does that relationship has its brewings of love?  No way.  Unless the show decided to throw itself off from what everybody thinks, Shag and Colleen will never be a couple, and that's probably a good thing.