WHO?: Hunter is "the leader of the pack."  Based out of the United States, Hunter first appears in a Los Angeles area kennel.  He is first called at a very unfortuante time, as a fellow dog is about to be put to sleep.  Hunter can either let this dog, a buddy of his, die and go join the Rovers, or he can save the dog's life.  He chooses the latter.  And thank goodness he did, for that dog he saved was Muzzle.

WHERE FROM: Hunter is the American of the pack.  He appears to be mountain born, for he meets his mother at high altitude during "A Day in the Life."

TOP TALENT: Speed.  Hunter can blaze.  His time in the 40-yard dash would make Barry Sanders drool.  And of course, Hunty Wunty's leadership is a great asset as well.

WHAT BREED: Hunter is also the only mix of the group.  But he is a 100% fun-loving mutt.

ET TU, COLLEEN?: Hunter, on the surface, appears to be Colleen's love interest.  Let's remember that scene from "The Dog Who Knew Too Much" in which Colleen wooed him on a motorbike.  But sometimes the eye can deceive.  Colleen always made fun of Blitz.  Was it out of pure humor, or was it lovey dovey stuff?  That's up for the fans to decide.