WHO?: Colleen is the lone female of the group, making her the love interest of the pack.  She is from jolly ol' England.  We first see Colleen as an alley dog who fights off 2 local bully male dogs.  A sign of things to come?  You betcha.  Colleen "appears" to be in love with Hunter, loves to tease Blitz every waking hour, and hangs out a lot with Exile and Shag.  She is second in leadership ability, right behind Hunter, but don't let her lead you in a car.  She can't drive worth beans.

WHERE DOES SHE RESIDE: Colleen spends her time with the English Prime Minister, who is currently the always argumentative Tony Blair.  You learn a lot off C-SPAN late on Saturday nights.

BEST TALENT: Here's an analogy for you: If Hunter makes Sanders drool, Colleen makes Jackie Lee drool.  She is a karate expert, who can kick the living daylights out of a bully.  Also she deserves a lot of credit for a quick sense of humor.  She says the wittest lines of any of the Rovers, by far.

WHAT BREED: Colleen is a collie.

ET TU, COLLEEN?: It's Blitz, no, it's Hunter, no it's Blitz, no it's Hunter!  Ask a Road Rover fan this question and you'll probably get a 50% split.  Colleen was very secretive about which of these two she liked.  Or how about a conspiracy theory?  Yeah, she really liked Exile!  No, Shag!  Forget all those, I say she liked a Road Rover who wasn't even featured yet that likes to wear Panthers apparel and is often called by the name "Jeffy."  :-)  The most unfortunate thing about the show getting pulled so early may be that we never figure out who Colleen liked.  But it sure makes for an interesting debate.